Crossing the Equator 2023 – Perswijn

Crossing the Equator 2023 – Perswijn

Crossing the Equator 2023 – Perswijn. On Monday the 3rd of April we attended the Crossing the Equator event, organized by Dutch wine magazine Perswijn. A new event that brought together some of the best wine regions in the Southern hemisphere.  In the...
VinVin 2023 Spring Tasting

VinVin 2023 Spring Tasting

VinVin 2023 Spring Tasting. On Monday the 27th of March two members of our team, Kazumi Uejo and Hermen Jansen, attended the first Spring Tasting by VinVin. VinVin is a relatively young wine importer, led by Corine Hofland, Marcel Just de la Paisières and Frank...
Weingut Schwegler x Restaurant de Koetsier 

Weingut Schwegler x Restaurant de Koetsier 

Weingut Schwegler x Restaurant de Koetsier. Last April 22, our Michelle attended the Winemakers Dinner at Restaurant de Koetsier. Winemaker Aaron Schwegler traveled to the Netherlands to let us have a taste of the Schwegler portfolio, together with some beautiful...
2023 Ambassadorship D.O. Ribera del Duero

2023 Ambassadorship D.O. Ribera del Duero

2023 Ambassadorship D.O. Ribera del Duero. Spanish D.O. (Denominación de Origen) Ribera del Duero has assigned Dutch Wine Apprentice, in particular its founder Niels Aarts, as one of their 2023 Ambassadors in the Netherlands. This great honor is given to three wine...
Eto – Decant, Serve and Preserve Wine

Eto – Decant, Serve and Preserve Wine

Eto – Decant, Serve and Preserve Wine. Every once in a while you open up a bottle that ends up on your countertop, losing its best features rapidly end ending up in your kitchen sink. We guess us wine lovers like our wine fresh, but also in its optimal form,...