Spanish and Japanese talent join DWA

Shortly after the announcement of our team expansion (you can read all about this here) we are back with more exciting news. We are happy to announce more international talent that will be part of the Dutch Wine Apprentice team. 

Think Local, act Global

This new expansion opens up new roads in the world of wine, with their personal interests and background Kazumi and Inma enrich the existing knowledge and expertise within the team. Dutch Wine Apprentice founder Niels Aarts on the new team expansion:

Since we set goal to expand our team it was clear to us that we want to be a multi-cultural team that is a wide representation of our society. Every writer on their own has their preference obviously, but by looking at cultural difference we try to think local while we act global. On a personal note I am proud that the team is taking shape as it is now, and we are proud that the new writers decided to dedicated their talents to our platform.

Niels Aarts – Founder Dutch Wine Apprentice

Kazumi Uejo – Kazuming Wine Food

I am Kazumi. Originally from Japan, now living in the Netherlands. I am a DipWSET student and have been a wine lover and enthusiast for quite some years now. 

My personal favorites in wine include Riesling, Chenin Blanc, Assyrtiko, Nebbiolo, Sangiovese, Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon, elegant styles of Rhone, South African Wine, and Burgundy and Champagne, as well as all new findings all over the world through studying.

I run an Instagram profile tracking my learnings and wine discoveries: Kazuming Wine Food.

As part of the Dutch Wine Apprentice team I will be covering wine events, write background articles and wine reviews.

Inma Muñoz – Eigenwijns

I am Inma, born and raised in Spain and living in the Netherlands several years now. I grew up with wine. In my culture we cannot imagine a meal without wine. Out of curiosity I started different wine courses and eventually passed WSET 2 (with distinction) WSET 3 (with merit). 

In my daily life I am a Spanish teacher. I also give wine tastings with only Spanish wines and until recently I also worked in a wine store and restaurant. In the past years I have visited (and continue to visit) many bodegas in Spain. My favorite wine region is the Spanish DO Ribera del Duero.

Working with the team at DWA is a beautiful step within the magical world of wine. If you want to know more about Spanish wines you can find me on Instagram as: Eigen Wijns (freely translated as: stubborn of wine)

We want to thank Kazumi and Inma and are looking forward to collaborating with them to share our love for wine. At the moment we are still talking to a few more writers, so stay tuned for more news on the team front!

If you are interested in joining us feel free to contact us directly, via the contact section of our website or by reaching out to us on our social channels.