Expansion of the Dutch Wine Apprentice team

Over the last couple of months we worked hard to increase our online presence, with links to all our content now accessible through our website. Our socials channels, in particular Instagram, remain important for us but we felt the need to make our content available for more wine lovers from all over the world. Today we are announcing the next step in the expansion of our online presence with the addition of two core team members to our crew.

New writers joining the Team

In our search for new writing talent we managed to add two members (Eline and Kobie) to our team starting this month. In their roles they will be covering events, write reviews and work on background articles. By increasing the team, we are able to cover more parts of the wine word, and share more knowledge & expertise. 

Eline and Kobie are already active in the wine scene for a while, and of course have their own preferences when it comes to regions, varieties and wineries. Below you can find a short introduction from their side.

Eline – The Wine Atelier

My name is Eline and I live close to Breda. I work as a brand & innovation manager at the most beautiful fries company. In my spare time I love to learn everything about wine. Each year I try to visit as many wine regions as possible just to expand my knowledge. I have completed the Dutch wine courses SDEN 1 and 2 and am currently working on WSET 2. I have many favorite wine regions but very much enjoy the Pfalz, Burgundy, Champagne & Piemonte. On Instagram you can find me under my profile The Wine Atelier.

Kobie – Time to Wine Down

My name is Kobie and I am from Johannesburg in South Africa. I moved to Amsterdam with my husband in October 2021 to gain international work experience and enjoy the wonderful traveling Europe has to offer. I am an investment banker that enjoys meeting new people, sports challenges and travelling around the world.

I love absolutely everything about wine, with specific focus on South African wine, wine regions and the many different producers in the Southern tip of Africa. The wine landscape in South Africa has come a long way these last two decades and the country now has more than a thousand wine producers. 

My favorite South African wine is our Chenin Blanc wines from the Swartland region north of Cape Town. The terror is perfect for this acidic grape.

Over this past year I have had a fast introduction into European wines and have grown very fond of the Riesling wines from Mosel and Alsace. Riesling is not a common grape in South Africa and I find the complexity and age potential of this varietal very interesting. I have also spent some time in the Douro Valley in north Portugal where I grew a fondness to their beautiful ranges of Port wines.

I started an Instagram page Time to Wine Down a few years ago as a visual diary of the wines I have tasted and liked. It allows me to make unauthorized tasting notes and give honest opinion. The best part has been the incredible wine community I have met. People from around the world and all walks of life, curious about wines and the wonderful history in each bottle. 

I am excited to collaborate with Niels from Dutch Wine Apprentice and so learn more about European wines

We want to thank Eline and Kobie and are looking forward to collaborating with them to share our love for wine. Stay tuned because we will have more writers joining our platform in the next months. 

If you are interested in joining us feel free to contact us directly, via the contact section of our website or by reaching out to us on our social channels.