Poligonos San Pablo 2020 – Zuccardi
Style: Red
Country: Argentina
Region: Mendoza
Grape: Malbec
Score: 90-94
Price: 20-35 euro

Poligonos San Pablo 2020 – Zuccardi.

Argentina and especially Mendoza are known to produce the best Malbec wines in the world. Actually, you could say the two are synonymous to each other. Malbec is a grape that has adapted so well to the regional terroir and thrives here like no other variety. It is the reference grape for Argentina. In this review we are discussing a Malbec from Zuccardi, one of the country’s top producers: Poligonos del Valle de Uco San Pablo by Zuccardi.

About the Winery 

Zuccardi has a focus on Malbec, the grape that has become synonymous to Argentinian wine industry, but produces a number of other great wines all in Mendoza, more precisely the Uco Valley at the feet of the Andes. 

The Zuccardi family refers to their wines as “Mountain Wines” and there is good reason for that. The altitude of the vineyards, close to the Andes mountains, and the stony soil types have huge influence on the vines. As does the irrigation which is partially taken care of the melt water that makes its way down from the Andes. Having that said the combination of multiple microclimates, altitudes, and soil types creates multiple terroirs.

In the cellar there is a very notable fact, Sebastian Zuccardi stays away from the use of oak. He prefers concrete, to add as little to the wines as possible and reflect the pureness of the terroir. Especially in the land of Malbec this is not a common sight.

Zuccardi produces a number of different lines out of which Polignos is the one we discuss today. The Poligonos line looks to reflect the regions where the wines come from: Paraje Altamira, San Pablo, Gualtallary and Tupungato. The focus is on single varietals, including Malbec and Cabernet Franc, from different terroirs.

About the Wine 

This San Pablo Malbec is produced from vineyards at an altitude of 1,400 meters, with soils consisting of sandy loam, gravel and chalk. The wine is produced and aged in concrete vessels.

Bright purple wine in the glass with a nose that is dominated by black fruit, some spices and excellent minerality from the stone and chalk rich soils. The tannins are present but not controlling the palette. They are much more in support, structuring the wine along with the decent acidity. This is a wine with excellent depth and has a fresh finish at an ABV of 14%. Certainly, has potential to develop but with some time and air it is ready to go.

Conclusion: Coming from one of the youngest appellations the winery works this Malbec is as cool as it gets. Precise and clear, clean and balanced. A fruity red with a mineral backbone. Good value for money here with this “village wine” from Zuccardi.

Imported in The Netherlands by Pallas Wines. Available through associated retailers.

Price:                           €27,50

Taste date:                  November 2022

Score:                           94/100 DWA Score

Website:                      Zuccardi