Belondrade y Lurton 2020 – Belondrade Vinos
Style: White
Country: Spain
Region: Rueda
Grape: Verdejo
Score: 95-100
Price: 35-50 euro

Belondrade y Lurton 2020 – Belondrade Vinos.

Spain’s Rueda region is one of our favorites and mostly known for their signature grape and white wine Verdejo. These fresh and crisp wines are loved by many and produced in large volumes throughout the Rueda D.O.

Not all Verdejo wines are the same however, and in this review, we are discussing on of our long-time favorites, the 2020 Belondrade y Lurton (also nicknamed as “etiqueta naranja”) by Belondrade

About the Winery

We can say a whole lot about Belondrade Vinos, but as Jean Belondrade (son of founder Didier) was a guest before in our talk show “Cellar Talks” (you can watch it back through this link) we will keep this introduction short.

For those of you who did not get to see it yet, and are not familiar with the winery and wines, we will say this. What Didier Belondrade has started in Rueda in 1994 was nothing more than a shock to the Spanish inhabitants of the region, now 28 years later he and his winery have put Rueda and Verdejo on the world map in a whole different way. Belondrade stands for pioneering, persistence, swimming up against the stream and above all a vision. 

About the Wine

This pure Verdejo comes from different vineyard plots in the village of La Seca. The result? A well-integrated mosaic or maybe we should refer to it as an orchestra. Here every vineyard plays their part. Bringing them all together requires a true maestro, a role that Didier Belondrade has perfectioned over the past decades. 

Writing his masterpieces, he uses oak to create unity, deepness and further form character. Oak and fruit live together in harmony here, continuing their symbiotic relationship and getting the best out of each other for years to come.

Now about this 2020 Lurton. We would like to point out that this is a very young vintage. This wine is known to strongly evolve over time, and become even more unique about 5 years after their release. The only thing you can do at this point is give it enough time and room to breathe and open up. And please do not drink this to cold.

In the glass a gorgeous deep golden colour. The wine opens with a nose presenting notes of fennel (typical for Verdejo) and the smell of dry cut grass. After that the fruit kicks in, with notes of citrus and peaches. Nicely incorporated are notes of toasted bread, an effect of the use of wood (never overpowering the wine, but adding structure and body as support. 

On the palette acidity is very controlled but further structuring the wine and adding freshness. The fruit notes make their way down your mouth, with a tangy bite that lasts in your memory (think orange marmalade). The aftertaste gives you an indication of what is to follow in the years to come, a wine that is more rounded, with a fuller body and notes of dry fruit, nuttiness and pleasant bitterness. 

Some additional advice: buy a box, or at least 2 bottles. Drink one and save the other(s) at least 5 years. Now behold: the magic will unfold itself.

In summary: Ripe, rich and excellent balance. 

DWA Score: 95/100 Robert Parker Score: 94/100

Price:                    ~ €45

Taste date:           July 2022

Score:                   95/100 DWA Score

Website:              Belondrade Vinos