Wine Storage in a Greenhouse: Stadsjochies

Wine Storage in a Greenhouse: Stadsjochies.

At Stadsjochies, a restaurant set in a greenhouse just outside Utrecht, the focus is on providing a unique culinary experience where sustainability, local ingredients, and refined flavors come together. Alongside the food, wine also plays a crucial role. 

The way Stadsjochies manages their wine offers valuable insight into the benefits of a wine cabinet in a hospitality setting. Here, CoolVaria, the supplier of their wine cabinets, plays a central role. Recently we sat down with Jan Gresnigt, manager at Stadsjochies, to learn all about the why and how.

Wine Storage in an Unconventional Setting

Stadsjochies is not your typical restaurant. The decision to establish a dining space in a greenhouse presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to wine storage. Temperatures in a greenhouse can fluctuate drastically: soaring in summer and dropping significantly in winter. This makes it challenging to maintain the stable conditions that wine requires.

Stadsjochies in Utrecht, Dining in a Greenhouse.

Choosing CoolVaria

When Stadsjochies began searching for the ideal wine storage solution, they quickly decided on CoolVaria’s wine cabinets. The choice was driven by three key factors: functionality, design, and value for money. CoolVaria offers cabinets with multiple temperature zones, which is crucial for a restaurant that wants to serve both red and white wines at their optimal temperatures. Additionally, the sleek and stylish design of the cabinets complements the open, modern interior of Stadsjochies perfectly.

CoolVaria’s price-to-quality ratio was another decisive factor. In a setting where temperature and humidity can vary greatly, as in a greenhouse, reliable and robust wine cabinets are essential. CoolVaria provided the assurance that their cabinets could handle these challenges without breaking the budget.

Stadsjochies and CoolVaria, a partnership that works.

Key Insights from Using CoolVaria Wine Cabinets

During their use of CoolVaria’s wine cabinets, Jan and his team at Stadsjochies learned several valuable lessons. One of the main advantages is the ability to have different temperature zones within a single cabinet. This is especially useful in a restaurant where both red and white wines need to be kept at their ideal serving temperatures.

They also realized the importance of smart placement. At Stadsjochies, the cabinets are located close to the dining area, allowing staff to quickly access the wines. This reduces the time needed to serve a bottle, enhancing efficiency and ensuring a smooth flow throughout the evening.

Another practical point that emerged was the need for proper ventilation around the cabinets. In a greenhouse, where temperatures can rise quickly, it’s crucial to ensure the cabinets have enough space to dissipate heat. This prevents overheating and ensures the wine is always stored under optimal conditions.

Casual Dining with fresh and local ingredients at Stadsjochies.

Enhancing the Guest Experience

The use of CoolVaria’s wine cabinets at Stadsjochies goes beyond simple wine storage. The cabinets contribute to the overall guest experience. Positioned prominently, they often catch the attention of visitors, providing staff with an opportunity to discuss the wines and explain the selection process.

Jan and his team have noticed that guests appreciate the consistent quality of the wines served. Because the wines are always at the right temperature, their flavors are fully realized. This has not only led to positive feedback but has also increased guests’ interest in exploring the wine menu.

Wine storage cabinets play a crucial role at Stadsjochies.

CoolVaria: Elevating Wine Service

The experiences at Stadsjochies demonstrate that choosing CoolVaria’s wine cabinets is a valuable addition for any restaurant committed to quality. The cabinets not only ensure the ideal storage conditions for wine but also contribute to overall efficiency and guest satisfaction.

For Stadsjochies, this investment has paid off in the form of happy guests and consistent wine quality. Their story underscores the importance of proper wine management in hospitality and offers inspiration for other restaurants striving to provide the best wine experience for their guests.

To learn more about CoolVaria and their world-class wine cabinets check out their website. CoolVaria delivers to hospitality as well as consumers, enabling professionals and wine lovers. 

For an extraordinary lunch, or dinner, check out Stadsjochies, where fresh food and creativity lead to unique experiences, six days per week.