Grape Masters S01E04 – Familia Torres, Spain

Grape Masters S01E04 – Familia Torres, Spain.

In our fourth episode, we travel to Catalonia to meet Mr. Miguel A. Torres who is the President of Familia Torres. His leadership and open mind brought the family winery to great heights, with global activities and a leading position amongst Spanish wine producers.

In this episode we talk with Mr. Torres about the foundation of their winery and their route to success. We uncover how each generation is bringing new expertise to the company and how find out how early international expansion of their vineyards has helped them to spread risks and increase the depth of their portfolio. On top of this we talk about climate change, and the proactive role the Torres family takes towards this topic.

Familia Torres: A Journey Through Generations and Continents

Founded in 1870, Familia Torres has remained a family-owned winery, with each generation contributing to its growth and reputation. Mr. Miguel A. Torres, representing the fourth generation, shared insights into the winery’s evolution. His father pioneered the bottling of wines during World War II, replacing French wines that were in short supply. This pivotal move marked the beginning of Torres’ journey to international acclaim.

While the winery’s roots are firmly planted in Catalonia, its branches extend far beyond. Familia Torres has established vineyards in various renowned wine regions of Spain and even ventured into the New World, with significant investments in Chile since 1979 and in California since 1982. This diversification not only reflects a strategic business approach but also a passion for exploring and embracing different terroirs and climates.

In Spain, Familia Torres has continued to grow and innovate. The fifth generation, represented by Miguel and Mireia Torres, has spearheaded new projects in regions like Priorat, Costers del Segre, Ribera del Duero, Rioja, Rueda, and Rías Baixas. These initiatives have allowed Torres to produce a diverse range of wines, each reflecting the unique terroirs of these celebrated regions.

For an in-depth exploration of Familia Torres visit our website at Dutch Wine or click here.

Mr. Miguel A. Torres: Visionary Leader and Catalyst for Change

Mr. Miguel A. Torres, with over six decades of leadership, has been a pivotal force in the global expansion of the Torres family winery.

Starting in the domestic market in the 1960s, he quickly turned his attention to international opportunities, a vision that set him apart from his contemporaries. In the 1970s and 1980s, Mr. Torres established a presence in Chile and California, regions that remain close to his heart.

Beyond business success, Mr. Torres is also a champion of sustainability and climate action. His initiatives have not only transformed his own company but have also united other wineries to address these industry-wide challenges.

Recognizing the strengths of each family member, he built a solid foundation that propelled Torres to a leading role in the global wine industry.

Grape Masters, Iconic Wineries of the World

Grape Masters, by Dutch Wine Apprentice, brings you exclusive interviews with leading wineries and iconic winemakers. Through 1:1 interviews we learn what is the key behind their success, share behind the scene insights and personal stories. Join us and learn from the best of the best, while enjoying a glass of wine!

You can read more about Grape Masters here.

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We would like to thank Walraven-Sax, who are the proud importers of Familia Torres in the Netherlands, and of course our guest: Mr. Miguel A. Torres from Familia Torres, for their collaboration on this Podcast.