Writing Team Dutch Wine Apprentice Expands

Writing Team Dutch Wine Apprentice Expands.

Due to the success of recent publications we are receiving more and more partner opportunities, which led to the decision to further expand our writing team. We are happy to welcome Louise Kleijweg and Bo van Damme to the team.

Louise Kleijweg and Bo van Damme

With Louise and Bo, we are again adding new expertise to our writing team. Both writers have a wide interest for the wines of the world and a never-ending thirst for wine knowledge, which they like to use to teach others about wine. Located in the United States and the Netherlands they enlarge our possibilities on both continents. 

Dutch Wine Apprentice Founder and Editor in Chief – Niels Aarts on the expansion:

Over the past year our writing time has proven to be a successful group of wine enthusiasts. It is partially because of their drive and the high quality of their content that demand for our services has increased massively. In the meanwhile, we tripled the amount of partnerships in the wine industry, and therefore it is time for us to expand our team and add new expertise. Louise and Bo are both eager wine lovers, each with their own interests and unique character. We are happy to have them in our ranks and I am sure that they will be a great addition to our team.


Louise and Bo will be working with us in the US and Dutch market, covering events, reviewing wines and writing articles and profiles. We are happy to work with both wine lovers and will let them introduce themselves to you.

Louise Kleijweg 

My name is Louise Kleijweg and I am excited to become a part of the Dutch Wine Apprentice team. My passion for wine started when I was teaching in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy. Getting introduced to regional grape varieties my interest grew, and I started to explore the wonderful world of viticulture. 

Over the past decade I traveled around the world and many of my travels were inspired by what the wine world has to offer. In 2018 I decided that my wine knowledge needed an upgrade, so I signed up and completed my WSET level 1 and 2. Not only did this increase my knowledge on wine and winemaking, it also made me curious and excited to learn even more.

Some of my favorite wine adventures took place in New Zealand, Argentina and Chile, where I dragged my husband to different wineries under the pretext of educational purposes. During COVID I moved back to the Netherlands, where I took the opportunity to explore some of the wine the Netherlands has to offer. This turned out to be a very pleasant surprise for someone who comes from a country that is not at all known for its grape growing skills. 

Recently I moved to the United States, where I am looking for opportunities to take my love for wine to the next level. I started my WSET level 3 and I am very excited to start writing for Dutch Wine Apprentice.

Louise’s personal Instagram profile is: @wineloverabroad

Bo van Damme

I feel honored and, at the same time, excited to be part of the Dutch Wine Apprentice team. As a passionate wine lover with a deep affinity for wines and wineries, I cannot wait to share my experiences with all of you.

My personal journey of discovery started a few years ago. Besides my work as a nurse in the care for the elderly, I noticed that I also gained a lot of energy from food and drinks: I enjoyed cooking at home, visiting restaurants, and digging through food magazines in my spare time. Although I loved being in the kitchen, I found it challenging to combine the food and drinks. That is when I started the SDEN1 wine course. Like many, I caught the wine flue big time. After completing SDEN 2 and -3, I switched to WSET and completed WSET 2 and 3. 

At the same time, I started writing about wine on social media. I have always enjoyed writing, so why not write about wine?! I have become more active on Instagram over the past year. So far, I have shared my wine adventures, hosted wine tastings, and had a fantastic collaboration with a local wine bar. And now, being able to write for Dutch Wine Apprentice feels like an exciting addition to my wine journey.

For me, there is nothing better than that magical explosion when wine and food pair perfectly. My love goes straight through the stomach, no doubt. When it comes to wine itself every glass tells a story, and I am determined to bring those stories to life. From the rich history of traditional wineries to the innovative approaches of modern winemakers, I will gladly share my findings with all of you.

Bo’s personal Instagram profile is: @babsenwijn

We want to thank Louise and Bo and are looking forward to collaborating with them to share our love for wine.