[Review] VIVANT – The Portable Wine Cooler

VIVANT – The Portable Wine Cooler.

A problem that most wine lovers face is keeping their wines at the right temperature during a nice dinner or when sipping their glass outside on a terrace. Of course, there are wine coolers that can help you with this, well actually there are a lot of different wine coolers in all sorts and shapes, but there are some downsides to most of them. 

Recently we got a newly designed cooler in however, that promises to solve all your problems. Does it do that? Let us find out in this review!

The Product

The idea of the VIVANT wine cooler is that you should be able to pick the right temperature for your wine and keep it stable over time, wherever you are. For this purpose, the people at VIVANT designed a wine cooler that is rechargeable and works both for white as well as red wines, keeping them on point all the time. 

With a modern lightweight design VIVANT delivers the cooler with an external battery and portable charger. This battery should give you enough capacity to last for 3 hours, so enough for a long dinner or quite some glasses outdoors.

The temperature range it delivers is between 8 and 20 degrees Celsius (and yes it also displays Fahrenheit temperatures), this allows you to pick the right temperature for all your wines. You can set the temperature per degree. You can follow recommended guidelines (as displayed in the picture below) or just follow your own preference.

Our Review

First off, we would like to say that VIVANT makes some serious promises and we did doubt if they could deliver on those. Well, after some testing we can safely say they do.

What we like about the product is the ease of use, its design and the versatility. With a gorgeous design VIVANT is a real eye-catcher and even looks beautiful on your dining table over dinner. Vivant does not need to be connected by a cable and this allows it to be used everywhere, even outside in your garden.

It is ready to use straight out of the box, and you do not really need a manual to operate it. Simplicity we like. You just put your bottle in and select the right temperature and off you go. For those wines (mostly whites) that are to be consumed at a lower temperature we suggest you cool them a bit in advance in your (wine) fridge.

The design allows the cooler to work with most bottle formats and as there is no ice involved (the cooling is done electrically) there is almost no condense created. This keeps your bottle and label clean and neat.

Although the battery life is quite good you will eventually run out of power. This can be solved by attaching the VIVANT to a power outlet, with the supplied power cord. You could alternatively opt for a spare battery, in case you need to swap quickly and do not have a power outlet at hand. VIVANT works quick and delivers a stable performance.

To see VIVANT in action you can watch this YouTube video:

Vivant Wine Cooler

Our Verdict

We love VIVANT and expect a great feature for solutions like this. Although this is not a cheap solution it is the only one we have seen so far that delivers on their promise. For that reason, we believe that there is a market for this and real wine connoisseurs should consider looking into this as an expansion of their wine collection.

Below some plusses and minuses that came up after our testing:

+ Works with different bottle formats

+ Stable performance

+ Lightweight, portable and easy to use

+ Great design (with nice display for your bottle upfront)

+ No condense or leaking water

– Quite loud

– Relatively expensive (560 Euro or Dollar)

– Requires some pre-cooling for lower temperatures

The price (at this moment around 560 Euro or Dollar) is quite steep, but this is a product you will use time over time and it outperforms the available alternatives. We will leave it up to you if the price is right. VIVANT is sold online through their own website, and ships internationally. You can find the product here.

Discover more about the VIVANT Portable Wine Cooler on their website or Instagram page.