Renée and Liza to join Dutch Wine Apprentice

Renée and Liza to join Dutch Wine Apprentice

We are happy to announce two new stars to the Dutch Wine Apprentice writing team, Renée and Liza. These highly educated wine lovers are ready to teach you more about the wines of the world.

Two new Dutch additions

Today we are expanding again, not only to grow our capacity but also to create diversity and room for new thoughts and inspiration. With Renée and Liza, we are adding two talented wine writers, for whom wine is always nearby in their lives.

Dutch Wine Apprentice Founder and Editor in Chief Niels Aarts on the expansion:

“With our team we are now the biggest group of wine writers in the Netherlands, with reach that goes well beyond our country’s borders. International wine lovers increasingly find their way to our website and socials, and we are happy that we can cater to different preferences with our wide variety of wine writers.”

Renée and Liza will be representing us on various wine events and review wines that fit their palate. We are happy to work with both wine lovers and will let them introduce themselves to you.

Renée van Son

My name is Renée and I live in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. I always had a love for good food and beautiful wines. A few years ago, I started following different wine courses (WSET1, 2, 3). I thought I knew a little about wine, but the more I delve into it the more I find out that there is so much I don’t know! And that’s just what I love, wine keeps surprising me, time after time!

Occasionally I work in a wine store. I like to surprise people with a special wine, but people can also surprise me with a good story. Why they choose a certain wine, where they drank a wine or what they eat with it.

My favorite wine? This remains a question I cannot answer, or at least, not yet. At the moment my preference is for fuller bodied wines, but still elegant. And Champagne, of course. I am also a big fan of cool climate wines. I am far from finished with my ‘wine journey’ and it is an honor to talk and write about my great hobby wine with a group of enthusiastic wine lovers.

Renee’s personal Instagram profile is: @reneevsv

Liza Verbeek

Hello wine lovers. My name is Liza Verbeek and I am 24 years old. The fact that I have a passion for wine is no secret for the people who are close to me. My family consists of big wine lovers and my grandfather was a collector in his own right. So, as soon as it was legal for me to do so, I poured myself a glass as well.

After years of enjoying wine in restaurants or at home, I decided that I wanted to know more. Only being able to say that I enjoyed a wine (or not) started to annoy me and I started to feel quite envious of people who could speak so passionately about wine and their talent to almost transport you to a different world. Their passion was truly inspiring to me.

So, putting thoughts into action, I signed up for the entry level wine course. Long story short, I was sold! I recently finished my WSET 2 course, am currently learning about wine & food pairings, and will start my SDEN 3 course in May 2023. I guess we can say that I caught the wine bug! What I love most is being surprised by the elegance of and stories behind wines (and their makers) time and time again.

In December 2022 I started my own ‘winestagram’ called Delizious Wines. My goal is to inspire people in the way I was inspired, in an approachable way and with a full glass of fun. I am extremely grateful and excited that I get to reach an even broader audience by joining the Dutch Wine Apprentice team.

Are you ready to open the first bottle with me and go on this wine adventure?

Liza’s personal Instagram profile is: @deliziouswines

We want to thank Renée and Liza and are looking forward to collaborating with them to share our love for wine.

If you are interested in joining us feel free to contact us directly, via the contact section of our website or by reaching out to us on our social channels.