Nadine and Marylka to join Dutch Wine Apprentice

Nadine and Marylka to join Dutch Wine Apprentice.

We are happy to announce two new stars to the Dutch Wine Apprentice writing team, Nadine and Marylka. Coming from the Southern and Northern part of the Netherlands the contrast between the two might look quite big but their love and passion for wine surely makes them look-a-like! 

Experienced in Hospitality and Trade

We are always happy to see new writing talent turn to us and enrich our team, and these two have talked the talk and walked the walk when it comes to wine business. With a background in restaurants and wine trade they built great knowledge in B2C and B2B wine environments and showed their passion for wine. 

Nadine and Marylka will be representing us on various wine events and review wines that fit their palate. We are happy to work with both wine lovers and will let them introduce themselves to you.

Nadine Massen

My name is Nadine Massen, 27 years old and currently living all the way in the South of the Netherlands in the beautiful city of Maastricht. This city has a special place in my heart because of its Burgundian lifestyle (Joie de vivre) where you can stroll around the historic, romantic streets. Surrounded by many F&B establishments my passion for food and wine therefor came already at a young age. Also travelling and living abroad helped me to gain a bigger interest in the world of wine. When living in Sicily a couple of years ago I had the opportunity to try many of the wines from this island and this is also why a glass of Nero d’Avola always brings back memories. 

After graduating from the University of Arts Utrecht I have worked in social media and event management while learning more and more about wines and proceeded a career as sommelier. Recently I have made the decision to switch my career and currently I am working as Marketing & Communication manager at a big congress center. I turned wine into my part time job/hobby by going on wine trips with my partner and my dog, studying the books and bottles (soon WSET3) and providing tastings as a freelancer. 

As in wines, besides full-bodied Italians, I’m a sucker for the cold climate classics; especially Burgundy (and Beaujolais) Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Gamay and the wines from my German neighbors (Riesling, Weissburgunder, Lemberger). Sparkling wines from Champagne to Cap Classique and Cremant d’Alsace also belong to my list of favorites. Recently I have learned to appreciate wines from Hungary, Greece and Croatia and I am looking forward to expanding and sharing my wine knowledge through and with Dutch Wine Apprentice!

Nadine’s personal Instagram profile is @nadinemassen

Marylka van de Water

My name is Marylka. After moving around for 12 years within the Netherlands and abroad I recently moved back to my roots in Friesland, one of the Netherlands northern provinces. In my spare time I just love to be on a boat on the Frisian lakes enjoying a good glass of wine. 

Coming from a family where good food and wine was what brought us together, it’s not a surprise that my interest in wine started at a young age. However, I only started to really develop some wine knowledge at the age of 25. From my very first salary after graduating in Marketing & Sales I booked myself a WSET 2 course, and there it began. I was so enchanted by the topic that after 6 months I quit my first job at an Online Marketing firm. If I wanted to switch careers, why not immediately?

So, I took the leap of faith and decided I wanted to become a sommelier. With some hospitality experience and little wine knowledge I started working at Landgoed Lauswolt. A classic, hard working environment that taught me a lot of the ins and outs of working within the top gastronomy. But, within less than a year there came the opportunity to move to Amsterdam to join the team of top Sommelier Lendl Mijnhijmer. As I started my new position as Assistant Sommelier at Bougainville I also took the WSET 3 course and afterwards I became a Certified Sommelier at the Court of Master Sommeliers. 

After working three years in top gastronomy I decided to put my wine career in a different direction. Although I loved the magic of being in the restaurant industry I also wanted to see more of the wine industry and develop my business skills. I was thrilled to start a new challenge at Marko/Metro Cash & Carry as a Category Manager for wines. Within the three years I have been with this company I have learned a great deal about the wine business on the job, and by studying for the WSET 4 Diploma which I’m planning to finish this year. I was very lucky to be part of an international wine team and work together with Bregje van Valen (first nominated for wine woman of the year 2023). Besides guiding me throughout my career, Bregje is a force who supports diversity and inclusivity within the wine industry. Wine is supposed to be fun for everyone! 

As of this year I have decided again to take a new leap of faith (apparently this is what I love to do) starting my own (fun)business in wine. So, the story will continue. If you want to follow me on my journey as a young entrepreneur please follow my personal Instagram.

Excited to join the DWA team to connect with fellow wine lovers around the world!

Marylka’s personal Instagram profile is @marylkavdwater

We want to thank Nadine and Marylka and are looking forward to collaborating with them to share our love for wine. 

If you are interested in joining us feel free to contact us directly, via the contact section of our website or by reaching out to us on our social channels.