Dutch Wine Apprentice Team Expands Again

Dutch Wine Apprentice Team Expansion.

Today we are happy to announce the fifth and sixth addition of our writing team, we welcome Judi and Kirsten that are now official part of the Dutch Wine Apprentice family. Both Dutchies have a love for wine for quite some years now and also built an interesting resume in this time. 

We are proud and happy to have them in the team and are sure that they will be a great addition to our pool of talent and experience.

Dutch Wine Apprentice founder Niels on the new recruits:

We are happy to welcome two new talents to our team, Judi and Kirsten. In our search for young and upcoming talent there are people that stand out for their passion and creativity, as was the case with Judi and Kirsten. Their hunger and enthusiasm inspire us to grow as a platform and helps us to connect with more wine lovers all over the world. Both ladies have a solid background in wine education and developed a clear preference of their own over the past years. With this we are sure that we can grow the platform both quantity as well as quality wise

Judi Veldwijk

My name is Judi and I live in the South of the Netherlands. Currently, I am in my last year of my studies, which is International Hotel Management (Bachelor). My passion of wine really developed throughout my studies and WSET-teachers. In my first year of my studies, I needed to accomplish WSET1 to continue my school. However, in 2020 I got the opportunity to start WSET2, I was doubting because it was very busy at school and my side job, but I took the step, and my passion has grown enormously through my teacher. He was very enthusiastic, and motivated me even more. Afterwards, I wanted to go big (or go home) and started WSET3, which I completed in August 2022.

Besides, since I turned 15 years old, I have been working in restaurants. Nowadays, I work at an amazing place where I can share my wine knowledge with guests. As well I can brainstorm with my bosses about wines. I still want to further expand my knowledge by learning from other wine lovers, my bosses, teachers, and of course through DWA. Let us explore the beautiful world of wine together, because there is so much more to explore. 

You can follow me on Instagram through my personal account: judiveldwijk

My favorite quote is: “A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all books in the world” (Louis Pasteur). If that is true is up to you!

Kirsten Andringa

My name is Kirsten and I live close to the famous city of cheese in the Netherlands: Gouda. My interest in wine started in 2008 during my years at university. I completed a minor in Vinology and traveled to France to visit some beautiful wineries. Wines from Italy and France hold a special place in my heart. Especially the Rhône wine region. It is impossible for me to resist a beautiful Syrah. I even named my Instagram (Côte Blonde) after it!  Flash forward to 2022 I completed my SDEN 3. Switched careers and started to work for a well-known wine company.

I am excited to join the team at Dutch Wine Apprentice and take you fellow wine lovers on this journey with me. Let´s discover and learn more about wine together. Syrah you soon!

You can follow me on Instagram through my personal account: coteblonde 

We want to thank Judi and Kirsten and are looking forward to collaborating with them to share our love for wine. 

If you are interested in joining us feel free to contact us directly, via the contact section of our website or by reaching out to us on our social channels.